Year-End Lists

A hand-curated, browsable index of notable year-end lists. Follow the link for each list to see essential commentary from its author, at the source.


New Statesman: Ellen Peirson-Hagger: The Best Poetry Books of 2022

28 December 2022

Quiet - Victoria Adukwei Bulley

Ellen Peirson-Hagger: The Best Poetry Books of 2022, as published by New Statesman

Guardian: The Best Poetry Books of 2022

28 December 2022

Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head - Warsan Shire

The Guardian: The Best Poetry Books of 2022, written up by Rishi Dastidar

[see also 2020]

Electric Lit: Favorite Poetry Collections of 2022

23 December 2022

The Hurting Kind - Ada Limón

Electric Lit: Favorite Poetry Collections of 2022

[see also 20232021]

The Top 3 Poetry Collections of The Year

Other Poetry Favorites

Book Riot: Connie Pan: 10 of the Best Poetry Collections of 2022

23 December 2022

As She Appears - Shelley Wong

Connie Pan: 10 of the Best Poetry Collections of 2022, as published by Book Riot

[see also 2023]

Library Journal: Best Poetry of 2022

09 December 2022

The Hurting Kind - Ada Limón

Library Journal: Best Poetry of 2022

[see also 20232021202020192016]

New York Times: Elisa Gabbert: The Best Poetry of 2022

07 December 2022

Please make me pretty, I don't want to die - Tawanda Mulalu

Elisa Gabbert: The Best Poetry of 2022, as published by The New York Times

[see also 202320212020]

Financial Times: Maria Crawford: Best Poetry Books of 2022

26 November 2022

The Illustrated Woman - Helen Mort

Maria Crawford: Best Poetry Books of 2022, as published by Financial Times

[see also 2023]

Washington Post: Troy Jollimore: The 5 Best Poetry Collections of 2022

18 November 2022

Please make me pretty, I don't want to die - Tawanda Mulalu

Troy Jollimore: The 5 Best Poetry Collections of 2022, as published by The Washington Post

[see also 2020]

National Book Award: Poetry 2022

16 November 2022

Punks - John Keene

National Book Award: Poetry 2022

[see also 20232021202020192018201720162013]




Publishers Weekly: Best Poetry Books of 2022

15 November 2022

Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head - Warsan Shire

Publishers Weekly: Best Poetry Books of 2022

[see also 202320212020201920182017201620152014201320122011]