Year-End Lists

A hand-curated, browsable index of notable year-end lists. Follow the link for each list to see essential commentary from its author, at the source.


New York Times: James Poniewozik: Best TV Shows of 2023

29 November 2023

The Bear

James Poniewozik: Best TV Shows of 2023, as published by The New York Times

[see also 2022202120202019201820172016]

Honorable mention

Flawed but fascinating

IndieWire: The 25 Best Movies of 2023

29 November 2023

Past Lives - Celine Song

IndieWire: The 25 Best Movies of 2023

[see also 2022202120202010s2015]

New York Times: The 10 Best Books of 2023

28 November 2023

Eastbound - Maylis de Kerangal

The New York Times: The 10 Best Books of 2023

[see also 100 Notable Books of 2023The 10 Best Books of 2022100 Notable Books of 2022The 10 Best Books of 2021100 Notable Books of 2021The 10 Best Books of 2020100 Notable Books of 2020100 Notable Books of 2019The 10 Best Books of 201910 Best Books of 2018100 Notable Books of 2018100 Notable Books of 201710 Best Books of 201710 Best Books of 201610 Best Books of 2015The 10 Best Books of 2014The 10 Best Books of 2013100 Notable Books of 201210 Best Books of 2012100 Notable Books of 2011Ten Best Books of 2011]



The Booker Prize: Best Fiction of 2023

27 November 2023

Prophet Song - Paul Lynch

The Booker Prize: Best Fiction of 2023

[see also 2024202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011]




New Yorker: Sarah Larson: The Best Podcasts of 2023

27 November 2023

Think Twice: Michael Jackson

Sarah Larson: The Best Podcasts of 2023, as published by The New Yorker

[see also 20222021202020192018]

Paste: The 50 Best Albums of 2023

27 November 2023

Rat Saw God - Wednesday

Paste Magazine: The 50 Best Albums of 2023

[see also 2022202120202010s201920182017201620152014201320122011]

New York Times: 100 Notable Books of 2023

24 November 2023

The Fraud - Zadie Smith

The New York Times: 100 Notable Books of 2023

[see also The 10 Best Books of 2023The 10 Best Books of 2022100 Notable Books of 2022The 10 Best Books of 2021100 Notable Books of 2021The 10 Best Books of 2020100 Notable Books of 2020100 Notable Books of 2019The 10 Best Books of 201910 Best Books of 2018100 Notable Books of 2018100 Notable Books of 201710 Best Books of 201710 Best Books of 201610 Best Books of 2015The 10 Best Books of 2014The 10 Best Books of 2013100 Notable Books of 201210 Best Books of 2012100 Notable Books of 2011Ten Best Books of 2011]



New York Public Library: Top 10 Books for Adults

24 November 2023

The Bee Sting - Paul Murray

New York Public Library: Top 10 Books for Adults, posted along with other lists for browsing

[see also 20222021202020192018]

Washington Post: Srikanth Reddy: 11 Great Poetry Collections from 2023

24 November 2023

School of Instructions - Ishion Hutchinson

Srikanth Reddy: 11 Great Poetry Collections from 2023, as published by The Washington Post

Economist: Favourite Podcasts of 2023

24 November 2023

If Books Could Kill

The Economist: Favourite Podcasts of 2023

[see also 2022]